Tag Archives: Usability Fixes

My Job Ready New Feature Spotlight

Our developers have been busy putting up a days behind counter for your job templates.  The day behind counter is visible to all admin and supervisors of a job file.  The raw statistics are in a tab inside every job file page called “Template Statistics”.  This data is also displayed on job report PDFs.

The data shown tells the user if the job file they are in is using a template.  It will display todays date, the initial template start date, the date of the most current task in the template, and the estimated finish date.  These data points are set when the template is initially dropped into the file, so if anyone moves the events around, the integrity of the initial dates remain.   It will display the amount of days that remain until the estimated finish date, the total amount of work days in the template (this is calculated by adding each duration of each event in the template, regardless of overlap of tasks), and will also allow users to add a second template and still keep track of the information from the first template.

The counter will only apply to templates applied after the 25th of April.  It bases all its comparisons on the last event in a specified template.  The “Days Left” data will show the user green if it is positive and red if it is negative.  It will also show that you have 1 day to complete a task if you are on the estimated finish day, meaning there is no day zero and it will perform the appropriate calculations to show if you are behind or behind on your template.

Finally, you may have noticed that your notifications have disappeared. Well, they didn’t! As a matter of fact, it is improved.  Now each user is able to select the notifications they want to receive.  A lot of our users seemed to be inundated with notifications and it was becoming more of a nuisance then a help.  Being able to just see walks or when new jobs are created will help a user go through their notifications more efficiently and be able to interact with specific parts of the website better.  To change which notifications you receive, mouse over “Welcome, Your Name” in the top right menu, click “My Information” and select the checkboxes for the notifications you wish to receive.  When you have no notifications, there are these instructions as well as the number of notifications you have hidden. The counter for your selected notifications remain unchanged.

We will continue to bring our users updates as we finish them that will help improve their experience with My Job Ready.  If you have any questions feel free to get in touch with me as well as if you would like to see anything added to our software suite.

Enjoy the week!

Clifton Sweeney
Senior Developer
My Job Ready

Using Analytics to Improve Ease of Use

Numbers in have a lot of different meanings in regards to a business. They are the bottom line, what people strive for, and drive programmers to succeed. Having the ability to find out which pages our users visit the most help  us at My Job Ready discover the best way to improve ease of use for their customers. For example, in the month of March, the majority of visits on My Job Ready were on our schedule and job files pages. Tracking the visitors flow allowed us to see the logical progression of our average user. The majority of our users went from schedule to either the jobs page or directly into a job file. Then the same user went back to the schedule to repeat this process. As a developer it is my goal to promote ease of use and improve the user’s experience on the website.


The month of March, My Job Ready page view statistics.

The image shows the number of unique page views a page has received in the month of March as well as the percentage to the overall total.  The first three results are schedule, job files and login pages.  The overall goal for us is to make the pages that are viewed the most, the easiest to use. With these numbers, we decided to make our initial improvements to the pages our users visit the most and hopefully reduce their total amount of clicks on the site.

In version 2.01, we examined how each user type views the schedule and the job files and worked a proper way to help each one. Supervisors and customers now received their own unique schedule view.  This allows a supervisor to visit the website and never have to navigate off the page to close, put on hold, and walk houses.  A customer can now log into our website and see all the tasks in a job in their name and has the ability to add comments to the task. Subcontractors, Vendors, and Crew now do not have to access the job file to close or soft close their task. This cuts their clicks in half! All they have to do now is log in, view the schedule, and close each task as they complete them.

This is just one of the countless amounts of changes we implemented in the current version that one of our customers suggested. Having the ability to understand the numbers, and listening to the people helps us discern what direction we are headed and what we want to add to the website in future versions.  What would you like to see on My Job Ready? I am always available for your comments, email, and chat messages.

Finally, we will be working on our first newsletter this week, so expect that in your mailbox soon.  We have a lot of cool and interesting modules we will be adding to the system over the next several weeks, including a counter for your templates in job files so you can keep up to see if your template is on time with the initial completion date to track days behind, geo tagging support for photos and some new ways to organize and sort a schedule.  Have a great weekend!

Clifton Sweeney
Senior Developer
My Job Ready

Site Updates and Improvements for the week of 2013-04-15

Our developers are hard at work this week to continue to provide usability improvements and new features for our customers.  Here is a preview of what is going on inside the busy My Job Ready offices this week:

2.02 New Features

  • - PDF's are now available for all your job files. On the Jobs page where all your files are stored, on the far right of the table clicking 'View PDF' will open a PDF of that specific job file in a new window.

2.02 Bug Fixes

  • - The tabs inside Issues (QC Issues, Unbalanced Masters, and Flagged Walks) should now display correctly.
  • - Fixed POs pointing to the wrong directory.

2.02 Improvements

  • - You will now be notified who sends you an email through our chat system. The formatting of the email was changed to improve readability.
  • - Split the Master's Take-offs page on the navigation menu into two tables, one for base plans and one for add ons. The search functionally searched both tables.
  • - Merged Companies from the navigation menu into Relationships. Now both are viewable on this page with tabs. Companies will be leaving the top bar soon for a new feature!

We will continue to work hard for you and bring you the best content and new features to make your experience with our software as robust and easy as possible.

Clifton Sweeney
Senior Developer
My Job Ready